Twitter is an important part of any Social Media Marketing Plan. By consistently engaging with users on Twitter, you will build brand awareness for your company, products and services. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to engage with Twitter users to grow your audience of prospective customers.

Consistency is the key: The Twitter algorithm loves constant interaction by users. When you consistently post comments, updates, links to articles, retweets and other content to Twitter, you’re moving yourself up the ranks and your posts are more likely to be seen. The same is true for consistent following and liking of other users posts.

Add Value: Your posts on Twitter should be conversational and promote engagement with your audience. Links to content on your website, surveys and quick customer service answers are all great ways to build trust and grow your audience.

Qualified Leads: Your followers on Twitter are highly qualified leads that want to be engaged with your business. Treat them as such and cultivate their interaction, their retweets and their likes.

The Survey Says: 60% of a brand’s followers are more likely to perform purchases or recommend products after following the brand on Twitter. Even more powerful is that 50% of followers are actually more likely to buy or sign up for services from the brands they follow. *Constant Contact Survey

Now that we all agree that using Twitter makes sense as a marketing tool, let’s discuss ways to increase engagement.

Use the right Tools: Successful marketers on Twitter know that following, commenting and liking of other posts helps to bring leads to your Twitter feed and helps to build your audience.

More Tools:

Your time is limited and automation is the key to increasing productivity and success with Twitter and other Social platforms. We love the following tools and use them daily to help build our own brand. 

Use HootSuite to monitor your brand name, related hashtags and to create scheduled posts. 

Find the most popular Hashtags and keywords for your posts with

HootSuite and Hashtagify can be a powerful combination to quickly grow your Twitter audience, increase engagement and ultimately increase your profits.

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