The average Facebook advertising campaign gets a dismal 0.9% click-through rate, according to Facebook’s own statistics. Facebook users are inundated with ads that are not relevant to their interests and are quickly swiped away on a mobile device or scrolled past on their desktop feed.

There is a better way.This article will show you how to use the Facebook Custom Audiences feature in a unique way that can dramatically increase your click-through rate. By using a Custom Audience that is already interested in your brand, your product or service, your advertising success on Facebook can be exponentially better. 

By focusing on an audience for your Facebook ads that you know are already interested in your brand, product or service, you will also dramatically lower your Cost Per Action (CPA) cost for your Facebook ads.

If you already have an email list from your newsletter or another opt-in source, you can quickly use that to set up a Facebook Custom Audience campaign. But what if you don’t have an email list? This is where Instagram can play a critical part in your success.

Instagram users are already following the brands they love, sharing photos and talking about the products they are using and recommending to others. You can manually search Instagram for these keywords and visit each users profile to manually create a user list.

Trending Hashtags and Keywords

A great way to see trending hashtags and keywords related to your business is  with You can do a quick search for your brand, product or service and see what hashtags are being used by your potential customers.

Let’s talk about Costa Rica

Let’s take the case of Bob Example. Bob is in the travel business, selling tours for people traveling to Costa Rica. A quick keyword search for “costarica” brings up tens of thousands of current Instagram posts of people talking about their upcoming trip to Costa Rica. Bob uses the Peak Instagram Business Analyzer to capture the user data associated with his keyword research. That data contains critical information such as full name, email address, address, phone number and more.

Bob can also use the software to target Instagram users that follow the official Costa Rica Tourism Instagram account and capture their data for his targeted Facebook ad campaigns. These users want to learn more about Costa Rica and are interested in what Bob is selling.

The extracted data is easily opened in a spreadsheet to be sorted and parsed for use with the Facebook Custom Audience program by uploading the email addresses with the ad campaign. Those same users on Instagram that are interested in Costa Rica, will be presented with Bob’s Awesome Costa Rica Tours ads on Facebook to help them get the most of their next trip to Costa Rica. Everybody wins.

The power of the Lookalike Audience

In addition to using the data you captured with the Peak Instagram Business Analyzer to create a Custom Audience for ads on Facebook, you’ll also be able to create powerful campaigns with Lookalike Audiencesthat share common qualities of the people on your targeted email list. This will expand on your email list to match up people on Facebook that have similar interests and are talking about similar topics.

With tools like Facebook Custom AudiencesHashtagify, and Lookalike Audiences, you have the opportunity to focus your Facebook ad campaigns on potential customers that want to learn more about your brand and your products. You will experience higher click-through rates and lower a lower CPA for your campaigns.

Thanks for joining us today to learn more about automating and focusing your Facebook ads!

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