What’s missing that you can provide?

David Pogue (@pogue) created a series of over 100 revenue streams because one company decided to stop including manuals with their products.

In 1999, Pogue wrote the first Missing Manual book: Mac OS 9: The Missing Manual. The mission of the Missing Manual book was to provide information that should have been included with the software.

The tagline: “The book that should have been in the box.”

The Missing Manual was so successful that it became a series. Pogue first wrote all the books but then expanded to other authors with over 100 different topics. What started with tech now includes Marriage, The Missing Manual, and more.

David Pogue eventually partnered with O’Reilly Media to offload the non-writing aspects of running a content empire.

What’s missing in the world that you can provide? Pogue built this revenue stack by identifying something that companies used to provide for free.

We are surrounded by opportunities.